Breast Health
DITI testing offers a visualization of the current physiology of the breast. The thermal scan is sent to a team of trained medical doctors to be read. They in turn provide a report that the client can take to her health practitioner of choice for follow-up.
DITI breast screening is beneficial for women of all ages as a complement, or an adjunct to a mammogram. It is especially appropriate for younger women, ages 23-50, who have denser breast tissue. The imaging procedure is painless, 100% non-invasive, and emits zero radiation.
When DITI is used in conjunction with a multi-modality approach, breast self-exam, routine breast exams by providing a clinical marker indicating to the doctor or mammographer that a specific area of the breast needs particularly close examination so that the best possible evaluation of breast health is made. Then you, with your health care practitioner can review the findings and plan a careful program for your best care.
When DITI is used in conjunction with a multi-modality approach, breast self-exam, routine breast exams with your practitioner and mammography, the best possible evaluation of breast health is made.